Monday, April 19, 2010

Surrogate's Profile: Part 1

My choice to surrogate a child for dear friends is my God given ability, that some "wanting to be mothers" have not been blessed with. My heart feels I need to share this ability with my incredibly deserving friends and also this journey with others who may simply be curious or involved in a surrogacy and looking for support or camaraderie. I hope you gain what you came to my blog for.

My brief profile:
I am a new SAHM that has moved her family half way across the country this year. Through that journey of change there was much discovery, but there was also an emptiness following me from prior to the relocation and job loss. A need for a deeper purpose perhaps, which I'm sure we all go through some time in our adult life. Upon realization of that I started seeking spiritual guidance through meditation and prayer, and during that time, which I was unaware, I was being led to this special purpose unfolding before me. Oh the power of an open heart. I new the minute it entered the picture, that this was my deeper purpose.
This is not something anyone should take lightly, but as a mother of two healthy and beautiful children I was led by my soul to help a friend in need, which to this day I have never regretted once. So my/our journey starts:
We did not take this decision lightly, there was grueling therapy appointments with both participating couples. There were many nights of intense talks about future and present unknowns, health related complications, emotional responses, and so much more that kept coming up every time we would meet. After an quiet emotional break for a few months we decided to make the plans to move forward and 2 months later we took the next big step, with a leap of faith, believing we were right, we headed for fertility clinic (insemination).
It must be God driven because everything has worked out so smoothly and uncomplicated. Insemination took the first time, ultrasounds and prenatal screenings are all negative for any kind of birth defect, and my health at the age of 38 is healthy and stronger than it has been for a few years.
That was 5 months ago... and I am proud to report: I am a healthy 19 weeks pregnant with their baby.
The road of pregnancy has it's ups and downs, and I am not void of any of those, my loving and supportive husband will confirm. I will say though that this sacrifice is part of the gift I'm giving, and I will not expect this pregnancy to be any different, it was my choice. So you will not hear me complaining or looking for sympathy but I will keep you up to date with my story of bringing up a little life.

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