Thursday, August 26, 2010

37 weeks from poolside to beach side

As you can see- the cool water has been my serenity these last HOT summer days. 

So here we are nearing the finish line at 80% effacement and dilated to a 1.  The OB appt. on Wednesday was exciting for me simply because it meant the lower stretching pains and groin discomfort have really been doing something all along.  I'm also overjoyed to report it could be any day now.  Music to the ears of any woman closing in on the roller coaster 10 month journey.  I've reread the journals of my two prior births this week and have been comforted by the progress of my "early laboring symptoms" currently present.  Now we just wait for the obvious signs, mucous plug and water breaking.  I'm going to throw out there a 
 delivery estimate...  I think in less than one week from tomorrow- this baby will be an external part of the world as we know it.
This picture is a very tired and worn out glimpse of my last days carrying this precious cargo. 

I do hope the next time we are at the beach to have less skin to tan, AND, a very healthy and happy little baby.  Thank God for the cooler temps this year at the beach, the 30 degree difference made my 4 hours entertaining the kiddos delightful. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cultures back

My 3yr olds birthday party
Okay so false alarm, the culture came back normal.  Which does not surprise me or comfort me with some reasoning.  There is still the extreme fatigue and irritability so I'm bucking up and believing we are closing in on the end of this long and emotional journey. 

Today is 36 weeks, approaching our next weekly Dr. visit. which should hopefully produce some exciting movements.  We toured the local birthing hospital this week with the intending mother, which left a very depressing impression.  It is a very small local hospital with 3 rooms for labor and delivery, which boils down to sharing a room if it is a busy baby night.  Not going to happen!  After two great, intimate, and private deliveries prior, I'm not about to end my very last pregnancy with a chance there could be a yelling screaming, first time mommy 4 feet away.  So I'm off, on the advice of my doula, to find a better option.  Wish me luck. 

The weather here is not cooperating for the last 4 weeks.  We are being blasted with hot hot 100's and not so cool nights!   Does not make for a good nights sleep, I guess well just expect a larger than life energy bill to boot..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

35 week OBGYN appt.

Disappointingly enough the baby has not dropped nor have I been thinning these last few weeks.  The Dr. thinks there might be a possible urinary tract infection that is causing the early contractions and had me leave a urine sample to culture.  To me that would explain my extreme fatigue and uncontrollable grouchiness- other than the normal pregnancy symptoms.  It will take a few days to get the results, but I'm relieved to know there might be another reason for the irritability I'm experiencing, and that I might get some relief or better sleep with prescribed antibiotics. 

Unfortunately my mommy responsibilities do not get a reprieve.  So I'm off to prepare for the first day of school tomorrow and then complete the to do list for my daughter's 3rd birthday party that is Friday, meanwhile daddy's out of town on a business commitment so there is no one to rub my aching feet and tell me tomorrow is a brighter shade.  Guess I'll have to figure out how to get my feet close enough to even try to be therapeutic.   Well see how that goes. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

35 weeks and strong contractions!

Well here we are... a quick trip to the San Diego Zoo before school starts.  I found the double decker touring bus very accommodating and necessary. 

I have to say the days are moving faster and only weeks are left to secure the end of this journey.  I will be 35 weeks this Wednesday, the first day of school for my oldest child.  Also the intending mother will be arriving in the next few weeks to stay with us until the anticipated delivery.  There are mixed emotions about the upcoming birth and what is to come but most of them are comforted by a force of contentment that the journey is closing in on completion and life as we know it may start to resume.  I have to stay focused on the gift we are giving and not the pain it causes temporarily. 
The birth plan is set and I have my hospital bags out and ready to be filled.  I still have the rest of the details to work out like; will I pump breast milk for the baby and if so how long, and how and when will I ensure my children get to see the baby hopefully giving them a chance to understand fully what we've been fostering these last 9 months.  I have been reading a few surrogate blogs and have felt very comforted by their stories.  It has also opened up my mind up for the rest of this journey.  There is no ONE right way. 
The contractions are already stopping me on a daily basis, I have to stop what I'm doing to even get a breath.  I feel them mostly when Iam working out, every 10 minutes or less, and then on an irregular consistency during the day but growing stronger.  The contractions will no doubtfully prove to be moving me forward hopefully- when I go in for a pelvic exam tomorrow.  I'm assuming to be thinning and fully effaced, maybe dilated some- if not, I will be very surprised.  I do expect to be dilated for a few weeks before delivery so I do not expect to be delivering a baby in the next few weeks, although you never know.  Sleeping is not so productive right now.  Getting comfortable can be very complicated.  The numbness in my arms, that I experienced with my two other pregnancies, is starting again- thank God for chiropractic care.  I am keeping my thoughts turned to the fact I can give this precious Thumper to the parents soon and catch up on some well needed sleep then.

Update to follow RE: Obgyn exam.